Lancaster and District Homeless Action Service

Lancaster and District Homeless Action service (LDHAS) is the leading homeless charity in the Lancaster region.
They work with people from many varied backgrounds where circumstance has led them to be sleeping rough, or struggling to manage their own accommodation. The service is committed to helping people find accommodation and learn the life skills essential for independent living and provide help and support to engage with the job market.
LDHAS is assisting those who are homeless or in housing poverty in the Lancaster and Morecambe area and surrounding districts.
One way they help is through our day centre based in Edward Street (Lancaster) which provides housing advice to the roofless and those in housing poverty. This is done by a dedicated team of staff who work alongside other organisations to provide support.
The goal of this work is to find suitable long term accommodation for homeless clients, and to equip them with skills needed to sustain a tenancy. Alongside this work, they also provide for client’s immediate needs i.e. food, shower and laundry facilities. The food service relies upon one part time staff member and many dedicated volunteers.
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